We at Tiny Van Doodles wish to express our gratitude for the privilege of meeting all our new family members this past year! We look forward to watching your puppy grow and hearing your experiences!
We feel very blessed to have such amazing Guardian families -- without whom we could not have fulfilled all the needs, and desires, for your new puppies. Thank you for taking such good care of our parents!

It overwhelms our hearts to hear all you life experiences. To highlight a few:
(12 years old)
Helped bring his family back to their best health.
Very playful, well-trained, and able to find a hidden toy -- anywhere in the house.

Supported her family through dialyses and subsequent grave loss of a dear Son.
Also starred in the play Annie at the Michael J. Fox theatre.

Supports chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and seizures.
Empathetic, confident, compassionate, reassuring, and a true pack leader.

We are so thankful for each of our many therapy dogs: Misty, Lola, Oliver, Katie, and so many others, who are lovingly supporting little to big persons with mental, physical and chronic life conditions.
We cannot express with mere words how humbled, thankful and privileged we are to be a part of bringing the gift (of unconditional love), wrapped in your puppy, into each and every one of your homes.
Wishing you a safe, happy holiday and all the best in this upcoming year! 💗
Anna and George