We are proud to announce our first Microbiome Restorative Therapy (MBRT) Mini Golden Doodle.
Katie is making an amazing contribution to so many other dogs.
Thank you Fiona and Wayne for bringing this amazing therapy to our attention!
Thank you Dr. Ina (The Barn Door Veterinary Care) for all your care.
It was our sincere pleasure to meet you!
Here is a description of how MBRT works:
Microbiome restorative therapy (MBRT) uses the transplanting of gut microorganisms from a healthy animal to a sick one to restore optimal gastrointestinal health. Many medical conditions in both humans and animals originate in an unhealthy gut.
Originally known as fecal transplant, MBRT was first documented in 4th century China. It has been used for over 100 years in veterinary medicine and has been used regularly for decades in many countries as the first line of defense, or treatment of choice, for Clostridium difficile infections.
MBRT can improve a range of gastrointestinal-related health issues such as irritable bowel disease, diarrhea, GI infections such as Giardia and Clostridium perfringens, skin disorders, inflammatory conditions, and aggressive disposition in cats and dogs. When an underlying diagnosis is not found or when the patient fails to respond to other therapies it may be beneficial to use MBRT.
