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Toto - Update

Hi Anna and George

From day one, Toto has been nothing but absolute joy for us. She slept through and loves her food.

Our girl is now 5 1/2 months old and weighs 11.5 lbs. Toto is now toilet trained, trained in basic obedience, and some advanced tricks that I taught her mainly from Youtube. Now that socializing is allowed, we are working on meeting as many people and other dogs. She loves other dogs and people and is now learning to ignore them until permitted to greet them. My wife and I are working from home so we make a point of ensuring she is on her own for 1-4 hrs every day.

We planned to have a puppy as I retired from work at the end of March and wanted to make sure we had enough time for her and it's been our pleasure to have her in our new normal lifestyle.

Thank you both for bringing her into our life.



Hi Takashi!

Thank you for the inspiring update and photos/video.

So great to hear your wonderful experience with Toto!

You all look so happy together -- it warms our hearts.

It is always our pleasure to bring each dog into this world.

Thank you for providing a beautiful, loving home and family for her!

Blessings and enjoy your retirement!


Anna and George

Love the bike dog seat in this video!

For those interested, it's called Buddy Ryder and it is made on the island. Introduced on Dragons' Den.

It's rare but Takashi found them on Used Victoria.


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